aanticulturee's Journal
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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 80 most recent ones recorded in aanticulturee's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, September 1st, 2005
    12:03 pm
    nemierīgs = nepateikts
    Monday, August 29th, 2005
    12:44 pm
    cilvēka tiesības uz laiku.
    laiks, lai izgaršotu dzīvi.
    Wednesday, August 17th, 2005
    2:21 pm
    Proper action is based on inaction. On quiet observation, on the ability to enjoy, on contemplation.
    Tuesday, August 16th, 2005
    10:27 am
    Dividing concepts into true and false ones is much less valuable than asking the question: how did they come up with this idea?
    Monday, August 15th, 2005
    12:32 pm
    Wrapped in illusionary perception of the world a person never sees the true reality. That being the case and understanding the nature of illusion allows one to apply it purposefully, choosing the desired illusion or creating a new one. That is true freedom within limits.
    Thursday, August 11th, 2005
    11:17 am
    Iekšējā pasaule būvējas un nocietinās, kad tu cīnies ar ārējo.
    Tu ej pa saulainu pļavu un nes cietoksni sev līdzi.
    Wednesday, August 10th, 2005
    1:11 pm
    California is a state.
    A state of mind.
    Tuesday, August 9th, 2005
    4:51 pm
    Dažas bildītes no mana nesenā brauciena pa Turciju.
    Monday, August 1st, 2005
    11:03 am
    Dzīve kā ceļojums pa cilvēcisko iespaidu un pārdzīvojumu pasauli.
    Friday, July 29th, 2005
    2:50 pm
    Reālā pasaule ir dīvaina.
    Kad dzīvo starp dīvainībām, pie viņām pierod un vairs nepamana.
    Atver acis.
    Wednesday, July 27th, 2005
    11:52 am
    Kas tad īsti ir kaifs? Citāts par šo tēmu no Lonely Planet:

    The fine art of Keyif

    Keyif is the Turkish art of quiet relaxation. Opportunities for it abound - sitting in the shade of a palm tree, sipping a drink and watching the sun set over the Aegean; enjoying a bracing glass of tea beneath a jasmine branch in the fresh morning air; or stretching out in the warm sun on the deck of a boat headed for Fethiye. That's keyif!
    Tuesday, July 26th, 2005
    5:50 pm
    Itkā zinu, ka esmu atpakaļ, bet realitātes sajūta nu nekā negrib iestāties!
    Monday, July 11th, 2005
    5:35 pm
    Kādu laiciņu būšu ārpus interneta telpas un žurnāla; dodos atvaļinājumā! :)
    Wednesday, July 6th, 2005
    8:56 pm
    Pain and shock were prescribed to wake him up from annoyingly comfortable slumber of non-life.
    Un neviens nesaprata, kāpēc suns kož sev kājā. Kāpēc mēness krīt pretī galvai un apdullinoši gaudo.
    Friday, July 1st, 2005
    4:58 pm
    experience depends on presence
    10:23 am
    Sapņoju par trolejbusu, kas izbrauc man cauri un apstājas tikai tāpēc, lai paņemtu atlikušo rīta miegu.
    Bet viņš neapstājās.
    Thursday, June 30th, 2005
    10:14 am
    Fight normalcy with alternative vision. Things look beautiful when they are fucked up.
    Tuesday, June 28th, 2005
    9:41 am
    Iemiiljots citaats no Fritz Perls (un vai, galu galaa, vinjam nav taisniiba?):
    "Modern man lives in a state of low-grade vitality. Though generally he does not suffer deeply, he also knows little of true creative living. Instead of it, he has become an anxious automaton. His world offers him vast opportunities for enrichment and enjoyment, and yet he wanders around aimlessly, not really knowing what he wants and completely unable, therefore, to figure out how to get it. He does not approach the adventure of living with either excitement or zest. He seems to feel that the time for fun, for pleasure, for growing and learning, is childhood and youth, and he abdicates the life itself when he reaches “maturity”. He goes through lot of motions, but the expression on his face indicates his lack of any real interest in what he is doing. He is usually poker-faced, bored, aloof or irritated. He seems to have lost all spontaneity, all capacity to feel and express directly and creatively. He is very good at talking about his troubles and very bad at coping with them. He has reduced life itself to a series of verbal and intellectual exercises; he is drowning himself in a sea of words. He has substituted psychiatric and pseudo-psychiatric explanations of life for the process of living. He spends endless time trying either to recapture the past or to mold the future. His present activities are merely bothersome chores he has to get out of the way. At times, he is not even aware of his actions at the moment."
    Wednesday, June 22nd, 2005
    10:54 am
    [not an Upanishad]
    Satyakāma humbly approached his spiritual master and bowed down before him.
    — Gurujī, may I ask you the most important question? What is the Self? Who am I?
    — My dear Satyākama, this question really can’t be answered, and therefore it is not the most important question.
    — Then what is the most important question?
    — Why have I come here? Why have I been given this human form?
    — Why? To strive for liberation?
    — To be a human! This might be your only chance, so use it.
    Monday, June 13th, 2005
    7:19 pm
    Kad tu ej pa dzīvi,
    un kad tu vienkārši baksties?
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