Oct. 16th, 2005 @ 08:48 pm The End
Current Mood: crushed
Current Music: :::Nickelback - Photograph:::

Lai kaa arii negribeetos laikam jaatziist sakaave, jaaatkaapjas no meerkja, un sapnji jaaizsviesh meeslainee. Man vienreiz ir apnicis ticeet tukshiem sapnjiem, ir apnicis ciiniities par savu vietu, kuras man nebuus. Shiis laikam ir beigas, beidzot jaasamierinaas ar kaarteejo zaudeejumu, beidzot jaasamierinaas.

Every memory of looking out the back door
I have the photo that was printed on my bedroom door
Its time to say, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye

Every memory of walking out the front door
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for
Its time to say, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye

And this is the day when dreaming ends..
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