Sestdiena, 28. Feb 2004, 13:33
All You Need Is Love (Father's Love)

Ja kādam šodiem pasaka: "tev vajadzīga mīlestība!", viņš ar to domā pretējā dzimuma personu (vai tagad pat arī tas vairs nav svarīgi), ar ko nodarboties ar seksu... :/ Mani dikti uzrunāja Vroom dziema Let's Get Physical, kas veltīta pop zvaigznei Kristīnai Augulerai.

Es te iepostēšu tos vārdus, jo dziesmu jau te ielikt nokačāšanai nevar...

Vroom - Let's Get Physical

Sixteen-year-old sex sells to a middle aged man In a board room, makes big decisions He says, “it’s good business this voice of an angel To put her on TV” And they turn on the radio And you’re in our blood but your sales are slow We’ll need you take off your clothes For the good of the record It helps if you say it’s in the name of art It’s a stake that we make for the sake of art So let’s get physical So let’s get physical I feel like it’s artistic And the men with the cameras look deep in her soul And they capture emotion on video “It’d work a bit better if we could see A little more leg” It helps if you say it’s in the name of art It’s a stake that we make for the sake of art So let’s get physical Let’s get physical I feel like it’s artistic I feel like it’s all right He loosens his belt, saying "One more time, ‘cause every great thing takes a sacrifice." [Christina Aguilera: {continued from Christina2 above} …I’m just being who I am and I’m happy with it. My family is proud of me for doing what I do, and it’s just kind of funny just because it’s like, God I’m really getting under your skin.] Run away as fast as you can I think you ought to know That you have the most beautiful voice in the world Run away as fast as you can ‘Cause all you need is love All you need is love...

Svētdiena, 29. Feb 2004, 19:15

Vakar forshi nospeeleejaat:)

Svētdiena, 29. Feb 2004, 21:04

Paldies. :)

Svētdiena, 29. Feb 2004, 21:14

gluzhi nav par ko! gribeeju pieiet apsveicnaaties tik nezinaaju vai mani paziisi:)

Svētdiena, 29. Feb 2004, 21:19

Nu, ja jau to neizdarīji, tad jau arī to vairs nevari uzzināt. :)

Svētdiena, 29. Feb 2004, 21:21

nu ja nu ja;)
bet katraa zinjaa tas bija jauki.