Sestdiena, 13. Mar 2004, 14:39
debīli, ka joprojām slims...

Atkal klausos Alkaline Trio dziesmu Radio. Es vienkārši par to tik nenormāli, nenormāli iefanoju, un diskmašīnā stāv Alkaline Trio disks "Maybe I'll Catch Fire", kurā ir šie dziesma un visu laiku uzliekas, un disks no centra ārā neņemas, un jā, tagad es atkal to klausos un šoreiz gribu vēl bonusā pievienot tās dziesmas vārdus, par kuriem arī es diezgan iefanoju.

Radio Lyrics
by Alkaline Trio

Shaking like a dog shittin' razorblades,
waking up next to nothing after dreaming of you and me
I'm waking up all alone, waking up so relieved
while you're taking your time with apologies,
I'm making my plans for revenge
Red eyes on orange horizons
If Columbus was wrong I'd drive straight off the edge
I'd drive straight off the edge

Taking your own life with boredom,
I'm taking my own life with wine -
it helps you to rule out the sorrow,
it helps me to empty my mind
Making the most of a bad time
I'm smoking the brains from my head
Leaving the coal calling the kettle black and orange and red
This kettle is seeing red

I've got a big fat fuckin' bone to pick with you my darling
In case you haven't heard I'm sick and tired of trying
I wish you would take my radio to bathe with you,
plugged in and ready to fall

Shaking like a dog shittin' razorblades,
waking up next to nothing after dreaming of you and me
I'm waking up all alone, waking up so relieved
while you're taking your time with apologies,
I'm planning out my revenge
Red eyes on orange horizons
If Columbus was wrong I'd drive straight off the edge
I'm seeing red

I've got a big fat fuckin' bone to pick with you my darling
In case you haven't heard I'm sick and tired of trying
I wish you would take my radio to bathe with you,
plugged in and ready to fall

Plugged in and ready to fall
Plugged in and ready to fall

Plugged in and ready to fall

Sestdiena, 13. Mar 2004, 15:14

he, saslimdinaaji Tu mani ar sho dziesmu :) Manaa mp3 listee staav shiis dziesmas live klips no Vankuuveras Warped Tour'02 un katreiz, kad saak skaneet shii dziesma, es metu visas lietas pie malas un ierubiiju klipu uz piunu ekraanu un luuru :) Pa lyrickiem gan neiefanoju, kaut saprotu, ka viss nava domaac preciizi vaards vaardaa. Jaauzliek akal klipinsh :) /me off, skatiishos radio klipu :))

Sestdiena, 13. Mar 2004, 15:17

gribi teikt, ka nēsi pret lēdiju nekad jutis tādas dusmas par to, ko viņa ir izdarījusi, ka gribētu, lai viņa mirst (vai arī pats mirt, kas īstenībā nav ar lielu atšķirību, tas pats vien ir)? ja nē, tev ir dikti paveicies! :)

Sestdiena, 13. Mar 2004, 15:22

esmu veel mazs, bet ceru, ka taadu padariishan' taapat nepiedziivoshu...