par skaisto |
Aug. 21st, 2012|08:41 pm |
tāda mīlestība. neticami, ka to spēja pateikt sieviete.
"A young Apollo, golden-haired, Stands dreaming on the verge of strife, Magnificently unprepared For the long littleness of life."
//Frances Cornford for Rupert Brooke
Malaparte citējis savādāk, vēl skaistāk, "Magnificently unprepared, For the young littleness of life."
"At the dances in the British Legation, Princess Olga Radziwill, with blond curly hair cut short like a boy's, yielding laughingly to the arms of Cavendish Bentinck, a young secretary of the British Legation who resembled Rupert Brooke and brought to mind the young Apollo of Mrs. Conford's famous epigram, "Magnificently unprepared for the young littleness of life"; Isabella Radzwill, tall, with long, silky black hair and eyes like a clear night sky, standing by the window with young English general, blind in one eye like Nelson and like Nelson with only one arm, who spoke to her in a low voice with sweet and loving daughter. He was certainly a ghost, a gentle ghost of a far-off Warsaw night, that British General Carton de Wiart, blind in one eye and one-armed, who commanded the British forces that landed in Norway in the spring of 1940. I, too, was certainly a ghost, a dull ghost of a remote age - perhaps of a happy age, perhaps a dead age, perhaps of a very happy age..." |