15 - February 5th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 5th, 2015

[Feb. 5th, 2015|09:37 pm]
jūs zināt kas ir ausu tārpi? šodien pārbaudīju aknu. sev. izcila! izcilā darba kārtībā! daktere teica, ka dzerot tik kvalitatīvi aknu vispār nevaro sabojāt, tikai uzlabot.
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[Feb. 5th, 2015|09:51 pm]
Tu veux... ou tu veux pas?
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[Feb. 5th, 2015|11:21 pm]
Your parents were probably having some fun to the #1 song on Saturday, March 15th 1980 which was Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen
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