15 - January 19th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 19th, 2015

aplauziens! [Jan. 19th, 2015|08:26 pm]
vispār tā ir bijis jau? nē. laikam tomēr nē. ar lielu entuziasmu sāku lasīt par to čali kurš 100 gadu jubilejā izkāpa pa logu. ba bām, izrādās redzēju filmu kādu laiku atpakaļ. pārgāja viss lasīšanas prieks un interese. filma gan bija smieklīga, patika.
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pupiņi [Jan. 19th, 2015|09:27 pm]
tie ir bez ķirurģiskas iejaukšanās? http://www.artpartner.com/artists/image/mert-alas-marcus-piggott/interview-magazine-madonna-555/
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a few fucks were given [Jan. 19th, 2015|09:31 pm]
tie leftovers mazo glīto dumjo meiteņu "kautiņi" forši.
Did you fuck my dad?

Yeah, Jill. I did. I fucked your dad.
And I felt really bad about it,
so I was like, "hey, Mr.
Garvey, this is so wrong."
But he was like, "hey,
"let's stop pretending to be ok
because no one is ok."
So I fucked the shit out of him on top of a pile of guns.

- Fuck you.
- Fuck you!
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