15 - March 17th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 17th, 2014

[Mar. 17th, 2014|06:28 pm]
Imperial Stormtrooper fishing
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m_s posvešajetsa [Mar. 17th, 2014|06:53 pm]
The Royal Tannenbaum
"Receiving the act of oral fellatio while indulging your pallet with Domino's Cheesy Bread as paid for by the current fellatio artist. Similar to the "Blumpkin" however you ingest food instead of expel."

"Female: I'm going to give you a blow job!
Male: Awesome...Oh God, this blow j is epic, especially while eating my warm tasty cheesy bread you paid for!"
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[Mar. 17th, 2014|07:08 pm]
Original cover artwork for Mad Magazine #27 by Jack Davis, April 1956

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