15 - November 19th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 19th, 2013

[Nov. 19th, 2013|12:03 pm]
Neķītrā Elīna Desaine sagādājusi ciešanas citām latviešu meitenēm Lielbritānijā. FOTO.
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[Nov. 19th, 2013|06:42 pm]
šorīt atnāca iegriba izdarīt ko ekstrēmu. pusdienlaikā viņa sāka rādīt aprises, bet 18.15, veikalā-noliktavā tās pilnībā parādīja. sapratu, ka neesmu vēl gatavs un nopirku. such is life. priekā!

izskatās pēc eskeipisma, bet laikam nav. bet izklausās eleganti.

//patīk kā wiki: "Escapism is mental diversion by means of entertainment or recreation, as an "escape" from the perceived unpleasant or banal aspects of daily life. It can also be used as a term to define the actions people take to help relieve persisting feelings of depression or general sadness."
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[Nov. 19th, 2013|08:20 pm]
un "Monty Python to reunite for stage show"

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well.fuck me. [Nov. 19th, 2013|11:50 pm]
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