Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - g-4-us [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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g-4-us [Aug. 9th, 2011|03:12 pm]
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[Current Mood |izmirkusi]
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according to my new obsession [were i've even started taking notes] - a dog needs 3 things to have a fulfilled life:
1) physical activities [walking, exercise]
2) psychological activities [discipline, rules]
3) affection & love

and it's extremely important for a high level energy dog to use up its energy, because spared energy turns into frustration, which turns into aggression. Such dogs need challenges in their life and to become a leader for that kind of dog - the exercise must come before the dominance, because the tired out dog is easier to put into the calm and submissive state of mind.

so i put on my rollerblades and made my dog run along [not pull or be pulled] for 5 km in the rain [wasn't intentional].. and guess what - after that my dog just got even crazier at home running hither and whither. so i was like - "yeah, this totally works!"

but now 10 minutes later he's dead asleep.
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