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[Dec. 18th, 2009|09:32 am]
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[music |leila]

Warps uz savu 20 gadu jubileju laidis klajā interesantu box setu, sākam ar dubultCD Immortals of Warp.

01 Aphex Twin: "Windowlicker"
02 Boards of Canada: "Roygbiv"
03 Squarepusher: "My Red Hot Car"
04 Battles: "Atlas"
05 LFO: "LFO (Leeds Warehouse Mix)"
06 Plaid: "Eyen"
07 Luke Vibert: "I Love Acid"
08 Autechre: "Gantz Graf"
09 Jimmy Edgar: "I Wanna Be Your STD"
10 Clark: Herzog"

01 Broadcast: "Tender Buttons"
02 Squarepusher: "My Sound"
03 Boards of Canada: "Amo Bishop Roden"
04 Battles: "Race: Out"
05 Flying Lotus: "GNG BNG"
06 Black Dog Productions - Xeper: "Carceres Ex Novum"
07 Nightmares on Wax: "I'm for Real"
08 Mike Ink: "Paroles (Original)"
09 Aphex Twin: "Bucephalus Bouncing Ball"
10 Jamie Lidell: "Daddy's Car"
11 Squarepusher/AFX: "Freeman Hardy & Willis Acid"
12 Seefeel: "Spangle"
13 Autechre: "Drane"
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Date:December 18th, 2009 - 11:36 am