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[Jan. 20th, 2009|11:02 am]
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After IBM 1401, A User's Manual, Fordlândia is the second instalment in a proposed trilogy based on technology and iconic American brand names. Whereas IBM 1401, A User's Manual was a personal response to technology and its inevitable obsolescence (inspired by his father's work with mainframe computers in 1960s Iceland), Fordlândia springs out of a far more diffuse set of influences. It brings together the soaring grandeur of its predecessor – some sections were recorded with the same orchestra in Prague – and the intimacy of Englabörn, moving between heady, melting cadences and crystalline motifs with gorgeous, dreamlike logic -
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Date:January 20th, 2009 - 03:46 pm
woot, tas ir kautkas nopietns.
mosh velak izlikshu savejos johansona ierakstus, kas kautks majas datora gulj
Date:January 20th, 2009 - 04:17 pm
varbūt kādam citam interesēs, es esmu klausījies