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[Aug. 25th, 2005|06:23 pm]
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[music |M83 - Moonchild]

Kanye West Sounds

"I think we are at the lowest point we have been in the history of (music)... like in rap music. It all adds up to one big minus" - Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys

Em-cee/Producer Lushlife reworks The Beach Boys "Pet Sounds" with acapellas and instrumentals from Kanye West's "The College Dropout" and forthcoming album "Late Registration". This is a long way from your average quick cut & paste/mash-up effort, with additional live instrumentation and extra verses from Lush himself. Check it out... it works!

01 "All Falls Down"
02 "Get 'Em High"
03 "School Spirit"
04 "Jesus Walks"
05 "Two Words"
06 "Breathe In Breathe Out"
07 "The New Workout Plan"
08 "Slow Jamz"
09 "Through The Wire"
10 "Diamonds"

(mp3 / 128kbps)

© Kanye West Sounds
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Date:August 26th, 2005 - 12:06 pm
paldies, novilku , paklausijos
Man tā kā Hip-hop mūzika nav īpaši tuvs mūzikas stils, .. patika tik šī