[Dec. 5th, 2020|10:32 pm] |
Forgiveness is a sign of strength, not weakness: it takes a lot of courage and internal strength to offer your forgiveness to another soul – especially when you are caught up in the responses of the world and your physical experience. Every time you forgive your capacity for love will grow, as will your conscious awareness and internal resolve. Mana kļūda bija, ka es biju iedomājies, ka ar manu piedošanu pietiek, lai cilvēks pret mani turpmāk izturētos draudzīgi. Citi cilvēki ir uz sava ceļa un varbūt piedošana nav tas, ko viņi šajā dzīvē apgūst. Mums ir tendence pasauli redzēt nevis tādu, kāda tā ir, bet tādu, kādi esam mēs. |