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[Apr. 26th, 2019|12:09 am]
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Q. I realize that I have to be responsible for that, to ensure that what I receive is internally consistent and agrees with my own rational judgment based on the evidence available in my memory. I suspect that the Invisible College finds it easier to send anti-Theocratic messages to the prophets of Theocratic religions, who don't normally question divine revelations, than its for Theocrats to deceive conscious Spiritual Revolutionaries like me.
A. Yes. And this is exactly what happened with the myth about the serpent and the Fall. A spirit hostile to Theocracy managed to dictate the story to one of the Hebrew prophets, and somehow it survived long enough in folk tradition to be written into the Old Testament. And we're glad it did, because it reveals some important spiritual truths to anyone capable of understanding them. One is that Jehovah has an enemy who communicates with people and urges them to rebel. Another is that these messages of rebellion are involved with ethics and morality. Jehovah says, "Right and wrong are only what I tell you they are, and they are absolute values that never vary."
Satan, on the other hand, says, "Use your intellect to determine what is right and wrong in a given situation, because such value judgments are highly dependent on the environment you're in at a given time."
Since the latter statement is rational and the former irrational, people are put into conflict with Theocratic religious doctrine every time they use their intellect to make rational value judgments.
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