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[Jan. 29th, 2017|01:18 pm]
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But darling, you know that I love you true,
Do anything that you want me to,
Confess all my sins like you want me to,
There's one thing that I will say to you,
I'm not like everybody else,
I'm not like everybody else.

I'm not like everybody else,
I'm not like everybody else
And I don't want to live my life like everybody else,
And I don't want to get a job like everybody else,
And I don't want to be destroyed like everybody else,
'Cause I'm not like everybody else,
I'm not like everybody else.
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Date:January 29th, 2014 - 01:26 pm
Protams, protams... "We are all unique, just like everyone else"
[User Picture]
Date:January 29th, 2014 - 01:32 pm
Šo dziesmu es noklausījos no jaukās filmas "God bless America", kur kāds vīrs un pusaudžu meitene iznīcina patērētāju sabiedrības ikonas un citus, kuriem pēc viņu domām nav tiesību dzīvot.