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labs labs
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On 17. Oktobris 2006, 17:16, [info]anciits commented:
zini kāds prieks :)??!
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On 21. Oktobris 2006, 21:28, [info]hiperbaby replied:
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On 17. Oktobris 2006, 22:49, [info]curious commented: laba lieta
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On 21. Oktobris 2006, 21:28, [info]hiperbaby replied:
ir gan, jā :)
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[User Picture]
On 18. Oktobris 2006, 00:16, [info]liish commented:
Ja tauriņus redz sapnī, tas nozīmē nepastāvīgu laimi.
Bet tauriņi puncī gan ir viena patīkami dīvaina kņudoņa, tas jā...
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On 21. Oktobris 2006, 21:28, [info]hiperbaby replied:
puncī.. :)
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