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[Dec. 9th, 2008|01:13 pm]
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I think hangovers are the body's way of telling us we didn't drink enough to still be drunk when we woke up the next day.
Tidewater Joe

The Top Celebrity Web Scandal Headlines

- Webcam Catches Britney Spears Cybersquatting, Shaving
- Study: Marilyn Manson's Website Carbon Copy of Alice Cooper's
- NBC Transfers Domain Name to Conan O'Brien
- Matt Damon Endorses Linux, Loses Sex Appeal
- Al Gore Secretly Fathers 2nd Internet
- Infected by Viral Video

The Top Atheist Holiday Songs

- O Little Town of Birmingham
- I Don't Fear What You Fear
- Oh, Krispy Kreme
- Angels I Have Heard While High
- Grandma Got Run Over By a Train, Dear
- Oh Come *On*, All Ye Faithful!
- Silent Night. Total F**king Silence.
- Hark! The Victoria's Secret Angels Jiggle
- We Kiss You a Mahir Christmas
- Livin' La Vida Loca -- not that it has anything to do with atheism, but that Ricky Martin is HOT!
- Whose Kid is This?
- O Stoli Night
- Amway -- I'm a Manager
- Got Breasts, Ye Merry Gentlemen?

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