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[Oct. 24th, 2008|10:55 am]
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The Top Ways Movies Would Differ Under an Obama/Biden Administration

- Jon Voight's character mysteriously written out of "National Treasure 3."
- Only inexperienced directors can get work.
- Flying Nun debuts on the big screen, except this time it's her ears that give her lift.
- Whitesploitation, including Caucasian actors dressing in drag in "Obama's Big Momma's House."
- Hillary Clinton shows up on every set, trying to insert herself into the picture.
- Remake of "Lord of the Rings" has Gandalf and Sarumon work out their differences in the first half-hour.
- "Matrix 4" with Neobama. (He's "That One.")
- Socialist Muslim terrorists are now the *good* guys.

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