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[Oct. 2nd, 2008|10:04 am]
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The Top Goofy Military Unit Names

- 666th Chaplains' Regiment
- 118th Midnight Supply Brigade
- 213th, no the 312th, no the 123rd, General Accounting Office
- First Librarian Division ("The Big Read One")
- 8675309th Jenny Regiment
- 2020th Screaming Optometrists
- 397th Alabama Air National Guard Crop Dusting Wing, "The Fightin' Cotton-Pickers"
- 105th Groin Support Brigade
- 763rd GSGG (General Staff's Gardeners and Gofers)
- 404th WWW Firewall Protectors
- 3rd Wrath of Khan
- 101st Dalmatians

The Top Euphemisms for Vomiting

- Critiquing lunch
- Discussing the Bush tax cut plan.
- Oh, he ain't just UpChucking...he's doing a complete UpCharles!
- Jailbreak from cellblock stomach.
- Surfing with the porcelain browser
- Buying the round-trip meal ticket
- Opening the Pod Bay Door.
- Reformatting the stomach drive.

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