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[Mar. 21st, 2006|07:00 pm]
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A recent report predicts we'll use up some metals eventually...
The Top Metal Substitutes

Have you ever let a whole bowl of mashed potatoes sit on the counter for a few days? You could definitely make a car chassis out of that stuff.

The need for copper can be drastically reduced if we can figure out a way to conduct electricity through gossip.

Maybe baseball bats could be made from something other than aluminum, like maybe, I dunno, uh, wood?

Folk, R&B, Rock, etc.

When we run out of aluminum, we can ask the Brits for some aluminium.

When we run out of aluminium, we can ask the Americans for some aluminum.

That's a good question -- what *can* replace the lead in the local drinking water?

The Top Songs About Bankruptcy

(I Can't Make No) Cash Transaction

Don't Fear the Creditor

I Fought the Debt and the Debt Won

I Wanna Hold Your Note

I'm Too Sexy (to Pay My Bills)

You've Lost That Liquid Feelin'

Can't Buy Me Love (Without a Motion to Incur Debt)

The Top Signs More Rural Folks Are Online

Noticeable increase in the number of "vintage" outhouses for sale on eBay.

References to people marrying their own sisters aren't restricted just to porn sites.

Google searches for "animal husbandry" increasingly return actual veterinary care sites. Dammit.

Yahoo! changes its name to Yeee-hawww!

You've finally figured how to read "l33+5p33k" but now you're stumped by phrases like "Fixin'a rain t'morra, ayup."
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