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[Aug. 17th, 2008|11:36 am]
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Funny how times change. Had I clubbed two women and set fire to a large, foul, hairy beast 250,000 years ago, I'd likely have been chosen leader of my tribe. But just because I happen to be born at the wrong time, nightclub security called the cops and next thing you know, I'm Diablo's cell bitch for a few years.
Jerry L. Embry

When I'm at the mall with my 1-year-old son, I enjoy slipping into Victoria's Secret, if for no other reason than to shout, "Look what you people made happen!!"
Adela Branson

The Top Events in the Intergalactic Olympics

- 'Bot Put
- Standing Warp Jump
- 4x100 Parsec Interspecies Relay
- Black Hole Slalom
- Individual Three-Legged Sack Race
- Asteroid Field Hockey
- Uneven Parallel Universes
- Red Shirt Sprint
- Hypermodern Biathlon (Lunar Jetpack and Laser Rifle)
- 400 Meteor Hurdles
- Solar Wind Surfing
- Standing "One Giant Leap for Mankind" Long Jump
- Wormhole Relay
- Red Giant Shotput
- Beach Meteor Volleyball

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