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[Apr. 22nd, 2008|08:16 am]
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One advantage of our entire class Of 1978 failing math is that we can pretty much show up at any class reunions we choose.
Jerry L. Embry

Some people hate mornings, but I like to think of them as a sign that I haven't yet died in my sleep.
Phil Garding

Man, they are so strict at my new job. It's constantly: "No personal calls," "Don't surf the Web," "Put your pants back on." I mean, who can work in an environment like that?
Brad Wilkerson

The Top Things You Don't Want to Hear at a Horror Convention

- "That's convenient! Mother's Day is coming up and that table has nipple clamps on sale."
- "Who tracked fake blood through lobby? That *is* fake blood, isn't it?"
- "According to Mr. Obama, we only like these movies because we're bitter and disenfranchised."
- "Imagine my embarrassment: it wasn't an 'Attack of the Killer Tomatoes' costume, it was the desk clerk in a red dress."
- "Storm Troopers from the sci-fi con next door have crashed the show. Summon the Goth Girl Guard!"
- "Grandma? What are you doing here in my Elvira costume?"
- "Is that a chainsaw in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
- "Charlton Heston was going to make a live appearance; now he'll just make an appearance."

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