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[Apr. 15th, 2008|10:58 am]
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The Top Dishes Served at a Hacker Picnic

- Cracked Code Casserole
- Anything but spiced ham
- Firewalldorf Salad
- Spaghetti 0s and 1s
- root Beer
- Wi-Fries

The Top Signs Your Child Will Grow Up to Be an Ax Murderer

- Baby's first word? "Redrum."
- Her Christmas list reads like an Al-Qaeda shopping list.
- The shiny hatchet hidden under the mattress where the porn should be.
- His favorite celebrities? The Mansons: Marilyn and Charles.
- The girlie poster on the wall is Lizzie Borden in a swimsuit.
- Whenever he takes out his rubber tomahawk, the dog hides.
- Spends hours locked in room, practicing his ax honing technique in front of the mirror.
- The second you cut yourself shaving, your kid shouts "It wasn't me!"

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