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[Mar. 7th, 2008|08:03 pm]
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The Top Sentences What Never Need Be Said

- "In retrospect, working on the callouses on my feet with a cheese grater was not a good idea."
- "Grandma forgot her underpants again!"
- "Well, I don't think *I'd* want to gargle horse semen."
- "Wow, when I popped that pimple, it shot almost three feet to the mirror!"
- "I'll bet you get comments all the time about how large and asymmetrical your breasts are."
- "You are beautiful! I can already tell you'll be the latest addition to my masturbatory fantasies."
- "Pleased to meet you. Please accept my condolences on being so fat."
- "I'm fine, thanks, except for the rectal acne."

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