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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|01:47 pm]
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My dad used to tell me, "Son, save your pennies. They'll come in handy some day." Well, it turns out Dad was absolutely right: With enough of them properly affixed, the body won't rise to the surface.
Dwight Burke

I thought it would be fun doing a bondage- and-discipline session with Wonder Woman. Unfortunately, her "rope of truth" made it impossible to acknowledge her as my master without having to be truthful about the fact that the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution prohibit master/slave relationships.
Kevin Freels

Since I was born with only four fingers, I'd like to marry someone else who has the same number of fingers as I do. I mean, besides a drunk carpenter or a kid with a buzz saw.
Steph Mirsky

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