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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|10:10 am]
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The Top Interview Questions Asked of Perfume Sales Candidates

- If a train leaves New York going east at 75mph, and at the same time another train leave Los Angeles going west at 100mph, how many times can you spray this perfume in someone's face by the time the trains pass each other?
- Just how obnoxious CAN you be?
- Do you believe that you can wear too much perfume?
- How well do you sneak up on a unsuspecting shopper?
- A potential patron walks briskly past. Do you a) Spritz them, b) Spritz them, or c) Spritz them a lot?
- Elizabeth Taylor, Britney Spears and Coco Chanel are drowning. Which one do you spritz first and with what scent?

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