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[Feb. 19th, 2008|10:23 am]
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The Top Signs Your Bank's ATMs Run Windows

- The guy in front of you at the ATM spends 10 minutes playing Minesweeper.
- Your new ATM card isn't compatible with the machines at Apple Bank.
- Every $20 dispensed smells suspiciously like Bill Gates' back pocket.
- Only the original Pentium bug could screw up your bank balance that badly.
- Every few years it takes a hundred bucks out of your account, works poorly for six months, loses important info, requires too much time to relearn, and calls the whole process an "upgrade".
- Your account balance is displayed as the number of times over Bill Gates could own you.
- "Bob the Moneyclip" always popping up to ask you if you need help.
- It's the first ATM to suffer from cache leaks.

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