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[Feb. 22nd, 2006|09:01 pm]
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The Top 6 Error Messages You'll Never See

6. "Your Google search for 'porn' found: 0 results."
5. "You're too sexy for this code."
4. "The application IEXPLORER.EXE does not appear secure and will be closed for your protection."
3. "Please report this error to Microsoft for a $100,000 cash reward from Bill Gates."
2. "WebCam Error #613: Put some clothes on. That's gross."
1. "Too much memory is available. Please load some more applications to continue."

The Top 9 Signs Your Coworker Is a Fugitive

Every day, a different wig.
Every Friday at lunch, the same worried "So, nobody's watching 'America's Most Wanted' this weekend, right?"
At every company party, insists on being the one taking the pictures.
"This is your new intern, Osama bin Johnson."
Whenever the security guard walks by, mutters to herself, "Act natural, act natural."
You schedule a meeting for 25 to 50 minutes; he plea-bargains it down to 15, with time off for good behavior.
Actually finds his cubicle comfortable.
Wears bright orange -- except for vertical stripes on Casual Fridays.
Others: "Thanks, I'll take the call on line 2."
Him: "If you say I'm here, I'll slice your damn neck."

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