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[Jan. 4th, 2008|10:18 am]
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The Top Ways Movies Will Be Different in the Year 3003

- Other than being holographic (I want a Giant popcorn and a Super-sized drink!) movies will be pretty much the same (I need to see this movie again... today!) as they’ve always been: Boy meets girl, boy loses girl (Must... patronize... this... theater... again....), boy gets girl.
- In Forest Lawn Cemetery, Pamela Anderson's breasts will finally start to deteriorate.
- Two hours of commercials and 2 minutes of movie.
- Best Picture: Planet of the Humans. Best Actor: K'eanu Rev 5.
- Beamed 3-D directly into your brain; most men believe they have out-skiied avalanches and slept with Gwyneth 113.
- Ticket prices drop from an outrageous $195.00 to a very reasonable $179.00.
- In the re-animated "The Ten Commandments," the part of Moses will actually be played by Moses.

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