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[Oct. 19th, 2007|10:25 am]
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The 10 Signs You're About to Be Involved in a Sex Scandal

- When you wake up, the ASPCA is leading the goat away in front of the entire neighborhood.
- YoungHottie13's not at McDonald's like she promised to be, but you decide to stick around anyway because it looks like "Dateline NBC" is having some sort of event there.
- The only thing the hooker is still wearing is the lapel she's talking into.
- This smokin' hot male prostitute reminds you a lot of that new guy at the D.A.'s office.
- Your 13-year-old student mentions that six of his friends *also* want to have sex with the teacher.
- The things you've done to choir boys make the other priests look like, well, choir boys.
- "Wait a minute, gorgeous -- if YOU got the copy of my campaign speech, then WHO got the autographed picture of my penis?"
- The "glory hole blindfold" concept was very exciting -- until you nearly choked to death on that reporter's microphone.

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