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[Sep. 22nd, 2007|06:21 pm]
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The Top Worst Moments in Sex History

- 1,000,000 years B.C.: Ogg of West Flatrock has the bright idea to try to drag Bekk back to the cave by her pubic hair.
- 1961: A teenage Bill Clinton's dad shouts "Dammit! They're soggy again! Who the hell's been getting into my cigars?"
- 1945: Women discover men returning from the war actually *do* know how to wash dishes.
- 1972: On the first day of school in Gary, Indiana, 6th-grader Michael Jackson stands transfixed in the shower after gym class.
- 1956: Six-year-old Gene Simmons discovers he can lick his own eyebrows.
- 1536: Anne Boleyn invents the "I have a headache" excuse, which eventually gains greater acceptance than Henry's solution to the problem.

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Date:September 24th, 2007 - 09:02 am
1536! Labinieks ;-)