Sorry not sorry
9.-Jun-2015 10:26 am
Beyonce paziņoja, ka ir vegan!!! No sākuma lielā feminist zīme, tagad šis. Es tomēr viņu mīlu par spīti visām pretrunām.

Haha, un fani ir dusmīgi un posto viņai instagrammā vistu kājiņas un saka, ka viņa tikko ir paziņojusi, ka nemīl dzīvi etc. Man šī reakcija šķiet visnotaļ paredzama, jo cilvēki mēdz sajusties vainīgi vegānu priekšā un tad to iekšējo konfliktu kompensēt ar dusmām, neiecietību un izsmieklu.

Šis ir tik lieliski, man ir liels prieks, ka tik plaši pazīstams cilvēks dalās ar ko tādu, es ceru, ka par spīti negatīvajai reakcijai daļa fanu aizdomāsies un paši pamēģinās šo dzīvesveidu.

I WAS BORN AND RAISED in Houston, and if there’s one thing we love in Texas, it’s good food. Food has always been at the heart of my family, and it played a big role in my upbringing. We celebrated, bonded, commiserated, and loved one another through food—and not necessarily the healthy kind. Our hometown favorites were fried chicken, fajita tacos, BBQ burgers, BBQ ribs, fried shrimp, and po’boy sandwiches. Growing up, I was always on the move and didn’t always make the right choices when it came to food and may have even developed some habits around it that were silently sabotaging my health as I grew older.

After having my daughter, I made a conscious effort to regain control of my health and my body. But I didn’t want to do a crash diet. I was a mom now. I needed to change my ways and set an example for my child. So I turned to no one other than my good friend and fitness and nutrition confidant, Marco Borges. I’ve worked with him for years to keep me on-track, motivated, and ahead of the health game. Yet, as much as I follow and trust his advice, when I would hear him talk about the amazing benefits of a plant-based lifestyle, I would think, that sounds amazing. I would love to experience those benefits, and while I can incorporate those good foods into my life, I knew I could never eat that way. I love food too much. Something needed to happen for me to come around. I needed to be ready.

A year later (around November 2013), my husband and I decided we wanted to try a completely plant-based diet with Marco. I had lost my pregnancy weight with his help, through an exercise-and-nutrition program, and was ready for another challenge. I decided I wanted to take a more proactive role in my health, and knowing all the amazing benefits, I knew this was the one. I was ready.
And so the journey began that helped me get into the best shape of my life. Little did I know the long-lasting effects it would have. I thought, like with most diets, I would feel deprived and hate food, that I would miss out on restaurants and celebrations, that I would get headaches and be irritable, etc. I was wrong about all of that.

It took a few days to adjust, but what I discovered was increased energy, better sleep, weight loss, improved digestion, clarity, and an incredibly positive feeling for my actions and the effects it would have on those around me and the environment. I couldn’t believe how much of our health we can control with food. And that I could still love food but this time it would love me back (like the walnut tacos you’ll find in here, oh my!!). We even celebrated my husband’s birthday with an all-vegan party. I can still see the reaction on our friend’s faces. Some were extremely excited while others had some reservations, but in the end, we all enjoyed it immensely. My greatest discovery was that I would benefit from the best gift I could give myself and my family—my health.

I’m sharing my experience because I want the best for everyone, and I would like for anyone who thinks that this isn’t for them, even though they may know of the incredible benefits, that they can do it. You deserve to give yourself the best life you can. Empowerment starts within you and your decisions. You can control the quality of your life with the food you eat. The truth is that if a Houston-born foodie like me can do it, you can too—you just need to try it for 22 days.

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