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[Aug. 21st, 2007|10:28 am]
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The Top Haikus About the Internet

IM promotes loss
of language skills? LOL!
No (IMHO).

Are repetitive
stress injuries from typing,
or pornography?

The message beckons;
File attachment causes crash.
Nymphos, you mock me.

Spam spam spam spam spam
spam spam spam spam spam spam spam.
Cheap ass mail filter.

Your YouTube antics
made you famous. Good luck with
that job interview.

My love, fresh and pure,
shyly reveals her true self:
A plumber named Ralph.

just goes to prove it's true that
million monkeys type.

This site requires Flash.
Done. Now can I turn off the
webcam and zip up?

The Top Signs a Supreme Court Justice Needs a Vacation

- Fakes a seizure to try to get a free trip to the Cleveland Clinic.
- Keeps trying to dismiss his wife as improvidently wedded.
- Her appearance as a corpse in three straight CSI episodes.
- Freezes up when the bagboy entreats "Paper or plastic?"
- He suggested that difficult cases be decided by rock, paper, scissors.
- Just keeps rocking in his chair and muttering "Can't handle the truth... can't handle the truth..."
- In his most recent dissent, he opined, "Constitution? We don't need no steenkin' Constitution."
- Recently started signing his opinions, "El Burrito Supremo."

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