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[Jul. 27th, 2007|10:56 am]
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Women constantly chide men about their lack of commitment, but when she swears she'll never speak to me again, it barely last three days!
Michael Cunningham

People laugh when I tell them that I think the hedgehog is the most beautiful creature in the entire world. But what they don't realize is that I'm talking about a hedgehog with blue eyes, long blonde hair and a nice little body.
Rick Roman

The Top Possible Plots for the Simpsons Movie

- Bart turns eleven and receives an unusual letter, brought to him by an owl....
- Homer begins his quest to return The One Doughnut to the Kwik-E-Mart in Mordor.
- As part of a government experiment gone awry, Poochie is back and hungers for human flesh.
- Plot? With our fan base, we don't need a plot!
- Homer is arrested for having potential WMD, but it turns out it was just a burrito.
- Rupert Murdoch fires Mr. Burns for not being "evil" enough.
- Jimmy Hoffa, Judge Crater and the aliens from Roswell are discovered in Marge's hair.
- After a brief stint in rehab, Barney is seen shaving his head in a trendy Springfield hair salon.

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