05 July 2010 @ 04:44 pm
I strolled all over the Net reading stuff about health, diet, vegetarianism and writing. In English mostly, hence me writing this in the language as well, as it is know I have problems to switch off the adored Brit-talk.

Anyways, my latest find is a blog about writing things from blogs to novels and whatnot. Knowing me, I'll be off to find more such like blogs to add my blogroll soon after, cuz I get obsessed if I enjoy something.

Among other things, the authors speak 'bout boosting your creativity, awakening your inner-writer-demon, unleashing your creative juices.. well, you get my point.

What resurfaces numerous times is coffee. Drinking coffee a lot. I mean, GALLONS.
Oh, well, nice, at least I have something to qualify as a writer's trait. Yay, me!

And with a real thunder-sound I stride off to read more stuff about stuff.
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Current Mood: creative