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[Mar. 8th, 2007|03:02 pm]
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I started a religion based on the old "Behold the Power of Cheese!" slogan. Our congregation hasn't put together much of a Biblical text yet, but our services' Eucharist/fondue session is quite a hit.
Brad Simanek

I like God and everything, it's just that His "Holier Than Thou" attitude gets to me sometimes.
Tom Gray

Tiem, kas tulpjudienu atzīmēs ar pirmajiem randiņiem ;)
The Top Things You Don't Want to Hear on a First Date

- "No salad for me, but I'll have a couple of those mega-burritos."

- "You look so much better in person then you do on the company's hidden bathroom web-cam."

- "Okay, here's the plan: After you get into the movie, open the fire door and bang! We save 8 bucks that we can use later on at Wendy's!"

- "You think I look good NOW? Honey, I'll look even better when they finish the surgery!"

- "Hey, wanna hear your name in Klingon?"

- "It looks like you weren't able to cover up that zit with make up. Can I pop it for you?"

- "Why don't you want to go to Hooters? What're you, a feminist or something?"

- "My imaginary friend wants to know how you feel about threesomes."

- "Don't worry about protection, silly -- I'm *already* pregnant."

- "Mind getting on top? My nose is running."

- "How strange -- you kiss just like your Dad!"

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