leocat - arhīvistu profesionālais idiotisms? vai arī konsultanti ir kretīni?

Oct. 29th, 2005

09:47 pm - arhīvistu profesionālais idiotisms? vai arī konsultanti ir kretīni?

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Do not ‘insert’ when replying to email
Normally you reply to an email message you have received by clicking on . There is nothing wrong in that, as long as it is done properly. If you want to respond to the content of a message, type your comments above the original message and leave some space between your signature and the headers of the original message. In that way, your comments are kept separate from those of the other person. Do not forget that your message may be read again in twenty, thirty or forty years' time and you will not be around to give a detailed explanation.

Nu, vai esat padomājuši par to, kas lasīs jūsu epastus pēc 40 gadiem?

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[User Picture]
Date:March 3rd, 2006 - 12:18 pm
Nu a kā tu domā, balstoties uz ko rakstīs vēstures grāmatas par 20/21 gadsimtu 22/23 gadsimtā?
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