March 3rd, 2009
02:00 am - *** and on the first day, we had everything we could hold ooh and then we let it fall and on the second day, there was nothing else left to do ooh what a day that was. ooh that's the way it goes
there's a million ways- to get things done there's a million ways- to make things work out. /david byrne/
come, come on in it's not, it's not like that down, down we go fall through, fall through the cracks. /david byrne/
bet tagad būs tā:
upes mainīs virzienu un plūdīs tālu prom, tik tālāk un aizvien tālāk uz ziemeļiem. līdz iztecēs neatpazīstamās svešādās tērcītēs. un saules. jā, tās saules rietēs, līdz norietēs pavisam. tā arī nesasniegušas zenītu. nepiepildīti un glezni. un nebūs vairs ne siltu straumju, ne stīgu.
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