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[15. Okt 2008|14:40]
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[Mūzika |All the good in the world you can put inside a thimble]

"Zotero is free and popular, and has attracted some 1 million downloads since its launch in October 2006.

Thomson makes the proprietary bibliography software EndNote, and claims that Zotero is causing its commercial business "irreparable harm" and is wilfully and intentionally destroying Thomson's customer base. In particular, Thomson is demanding that GMU stop distributing the newer beta-version of Zotero that allegedly allows EndNote's proprietary data format for storing journal citation styles to be converted into an open-standard format readable by Zotero and other software. Thomson claims that Zotero "reverse engineered or decompiled" not only the format, but also the EndNote software itself."

Via Nature. Pasvītrojums mans (tāds jēdziena "konkurence" formulējums, ka vai vārdnīcās liec).
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