Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - a rīlī huge zagovors [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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a rīlī huge zagovors [Mar. 16th, 2010|02:13 am]
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[Current Mood |cilpa]
[Current Music |gone with the wind [ab]]

you were right using exactly those words to describe the new found coincidence.
HUGE zagovors.. and at first I didn't really understand how huge.
pirmkārt, jau viss Neds [kas radās pats no sevis], pēkšņi veido 23.. [N+E+D = 14+5+4 = 23!!!]
bet tā būtu tikai pusbēda, jo zemapziņā mēs sapratām, ka, lai cik izpalīdzīgs reizēm nebūtu, viņš tomēr vnm nesa sevī zināmu ļaunumu un indēja mūsu smadzenes, līdz ar to Neda ļaunuma atklāšana doesn't strike me that much, at least after I discovered... remembered that Ned is Ted [and Teddy - which is the name of my new gained friend] and Edward. EDWARD = 23!! Es vnm zināju, ka viņš ir nū - vnk mistiski unhealthy!!
un arī šaterailandā - bija teds, tedijs, edwards..
ļaunums pilnīgi velk mani sevī iekšā arvien dziļāk.
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Date:March 16th, 2010 - 09:20 pm


I just knew it. somehow subconciously i did know it. :P