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[Apr. 23rd, 2024|11:04 pm]
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1) The Nature of Your Relationship or Partnership -Do you love and respect your partner? -Does your partner love and respect you? -To what degree is your partner your best friend? -How do you and your partner resolve conflict? -Do you think your partner would be a good parent? -Do you like your partner’s friends? -Are you having affairs or do you want to?
2) Your Emotional Health -How well do you know yourself? -Are you needy or lonely? -Do you sleep well? -Do you have unresolved traumas? -How well are you in touch with the emotional realities of your childhood?
3) Your Physical Health -How old are you? -How do you project your health to be in twenty years? -Are you in good shape? -How are your genes?
4) Your Rapport With Children -To what degree have you spent time around children? -Do you know what working with children entails? -Do you like spending a lot of time with children? -Do children like you?
5) Your Finances -How will you be able afford the major cost? -Are you in debt? -What is your work history and work type?
6) Your Community or Environment -Will your child have access to nature? -Do you live in a safe place? -Will your child have a lot of freedom? -Will your child have access to lots of healthy age-mates? -Will you be able to stay in the same location for a long time? -What kinds of emotional support will you have?
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