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[May. 20th, 2010|08:30 am]
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I had always heard that the United States was less antisemitic than the rest of the world, but here in California they really love the Hebrew people. Almost everywhere I go I see signs that say "Yosemite."

My grandfather said he wanted a hands-free device for his cell-phone, but I have no idea where I can buy a BlueDenture.

Why do they always call a dead guy "The late...?" Late? He's not late for anything. In fact, he's not gonna show up at all!

The Top Reality Shows Before the Invention of Television

- Wheel or No Wheel
- Who Wants to Marry Henry VIII?
- Evil Eye for the Possessed Guy
- Das Amazing Aryan Race
- Rock of Courtly Love with Sir Brettinger Michaels, Dandy of Walton-on-Thames
- Survivor: Black Plague
- Candid Cave Painting
- Henry VIII Minus Catherine, Anne, Jane, Anne, Catherine, Plus Catherine
- Pimp My Wheel
- Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? Then BURN, WITCH, BURN!

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