10 October 2009 @ 08:24 pm
The little devil inside of me has woken up. I'm not sure what to do with it... But it wants to play against the rules.

It'll cost me a lot of trouble, but I'm not sure I care...

P.S. It has nothing to do with the text above, but *memories live in music.

P.P.S. Ruuby - feel free to correct ;)
Domu fons: *Tal Bachman - She's So High
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ruuby[info]ruuby on October 10th, 2009 - 09:36 pm
ok, sure ;)

*inside _of_ me
*has woken up, bez "been". Ir tā: you have done VAI you have been doing. nevajag been UN citu darbiibas vardu abus past perfect formā.
*es teiktu THE rules, jo šajā situācijā rules nevar būt kkas vispārīgs, acīmredzot, tu runā par kādiem īpašiem likumiem... ^^
* _a_ lot of trouble. Šo frāzi vnk iemācies: ... a lot of ...
*_the_ text above. vienmeer buus vai nu "a text", kad tas ir dajebkaads teksts vai arii buus "the text" - un šajā situācijā tu definitely runā par noteiktu tekstu.

Cheers! Good girls obey rules (bõring), bad girls play against rules, but they know how to hide it. :D
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