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[Apr. 14th, 2009|10:30 am]
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The bad news: My new bride wasn't exactly thrilled to get an apple as her surprise honeymoon gift. The good news: My teacher at the continuing education college seems to be pretty happy with her dildo.
Mike Ranston

By devoting years of my life to sitting quietly by myself, I've finally become one with the world, if by "world" we mean several hundred bags of corn chips and this couch. I'm also content to just "be" with the remote, but that's icing on the cake.
Joseph Moore

The Top Changes to the White House Web Site Under President Obama

- The former developers of will be released from Gitmo within weeks.
- I don't know how they did it but and are now official HTML tags.
- Hit counter replaced by "New Jobs Created" counter.
- References to "Axis of Evil" changed to "Axis of Friends We Haven't Met Yet."
- E-mails from automatically blocked as spam.
- New URL:
- World of Warcraft is no longer an official foreign policy goal.
- Includes the Office of the Vice President in the Executive Branch.

The Top Horror Movies About Killer Pigs

- The Texas Razorback Massacre
- I Know What You Did to the Last Farmer
- The Hills Have Snouts
- The Silence of the Rinds
- Day of the Truffles
- The Ham That Rocks the Cradle
- The Blair Swine Project
- Cloven-field
- Children of the Corn-Fed

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