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[Apr. 8th, 2017|10:00 am]
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Since all the major players are now pointing fingers at each other, perhaps this is a good time to review the forensic trail followed by the White Dragon Society agents to try to find out who was behind the plan to “save the environment” by killing 90% of humanity.
The first suspect was David Rockefeller because he sat at the top of well-known globalist institutions like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission.
However, Rockefeller’s people said they were not the problem but rather it was George Bush Sr. and his Nazi faction that were the true bad guys.
The Nazis, for their part, said they were allied with the Gnostic Illuminati and said they were opposed to bloodline rule. They believed it was the Rothschild/Saxe Gotha bloodline that was the problem.
The Rothschilds then came out and said they were junior sub-contractors and that the real center of the Cabal was the P2 Freemason lodge in Italy.
A visit to the P2 lodges in Rome and Milan by this writer revealed that they considered themselves to be the descendants of the Caesars and that they were given a mission by extra-terrestrial beings 26,000 years ago to manage history according to an astrology based script. They said their god was the black sun, an alien being living the gamma rays that can control human minds. Their other name for it was Lucifer.
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