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[Oct. 22nd, 2005|11:53 am]
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The next James Bond has been chosen, and this time around 007 will be British actor Daniel Craig -- a blond. The Top Blond 007 Moments

"So your name is Q -- can you spell that for me?"

Uses Wite-Out to label one shoe "TRANSMITTER" and the other "POISON GAS."

"I guess you must be a cat lover, eh, Ms. Galore?"

Places his license to kill upside-down in his wallet, then keeps identifying himself as Agent LOO.

"Shaken, not stirred. And cover the top of the shaker -- I learned that the hard way."

The Top Benefits of a Detachable Penis

Wave it in the air for emphasis while proclaiming, "I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."

Now possible to make decisions in the company of hot women based solely upon logic.

Great for practical jokes at work (butchers only).

Makes a great pacifier for the girlfriend who won't shut up.

Suddenly your wife starts making sense!

Seventh-grade boys everywhere can now approach the blackboard without embarrassment.

Extend your reach across the table at Thanksgiving banquets.

er husband comes home unexpectedly? Detach and hide it, then pretend you're her lesbian lover. Hubby will beg the two of you to continue.

Priceless look when the waitress realizes that's not her pepper mill.
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