29 Marts 2009 @ 22:43
kā visi normāli slimojoši cilvēki, arī es skatos filmas  
[1939] The Wizard of OZ
Just follow the yellow brick road.
"Dorothy: Now which way do we go?
Scarecrow: Pardon me, this way is a very nice way.
Dorothy: Who said that?
[Toto barks at scarecrow]
Dorothy: Don't be silly, Toto. Scarecrows don't talk.
Scarecrow: [points other way] It's pleasant down that way, too.
Dorothy: That's funny. Wasn't he pointing the other way?
Scarecrow: [points both ways] Of course, some people do go both ways."

[2005] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
"Arthur Dent: All my life I've had this strange feeling that there's something big and sinister going on in the world.
Slartibartfast: No, that's perfectly normal paranoia. Everyone in the universe gets that."

"Arthur Dent: I'm sorry, did you just say you needed my brain?
Fook: Yes, to complete the program.
Arthur Dent: Well, you can't have it, I'm using it!
Fook: Hardly."

"Marvin: Freeze? I'm a robot, not a refrigerator."
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[info]nirnaeth on 29. Marts 2009 - 23:09
^_____^ forši citāti.

man sagribējās noskatīties... star wars. O_O
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Earnella[info]earnella on 30. Marts 2009 - 13:36
mhm. ^___^ vēl no otrās filmas es aizmirsu ielikt to foršo citātu "In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."

opā. man gan gribas noskatīties vēl kādu filmu no trīsdesmitajiem/četrdesmitajiem, tas Wizard of Oz bija viena no psihedēliskākajām un frīkainākajām lietām, ko es biju redzējusi :D

[un lūdzu nevienam nepiesieties pie tā, kā es lietoju vārdu psihedēlisks, ja nu jums sagribas. i couldn't care less. :D]
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