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[Sep. 22nd, 2008|11:43 am]
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I went to see a psychiatrist because I was feeling paranoid, abusive and filled with rage. I figured the shrink would tell me I'm a paranoid schizophrenic, but as it turns out, I'm just a butthead.
Miles Walker

The Top Signs Your Underwear Is Haunted

- You smell dead people.
- Steven King seems to hang around the laundromat every time you do whites.
- "Well Honey, how *else* could my lace thong have ended up in the glovebox of the handyman's truck?"
- Your skidmarks seem to spell out the word "redrum."
- Based on the blood-curdling shrieks when you drop your shorts, they're either haunted or you went into the women's locker room by mistake again.
- Your dorm room laundry hamper used to attract flies. Now it seems to attract exorcists.
- Your panties keep disappearing, but you're not a drunk cheerleader.
- Boxer shorts ride up whenever you hear shrieking violins.

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