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[Links:| Jaunie Dziesmas Stāsti ]

[May. 28th, 2004|01:27 pm]
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[stāvoklis |Lietuslaime]
[melodija |Labvēlīgais tips - Ar eiropu plecos]

Temple in the still of night
When the stars shed only light
A little candle burns, alone
The monk slowly hums down prone
Leaves shiver upon touch of wind
And fallen to the ground they cling
Something crakles, something cracks
Something moves behind the racks
-Do not hide, I know you're there
To silence you cannot adhere
Come out, face me, let me know
What will make you away go
Yes, I see why have you come
You will leave when I'm undone
I agree you take my life
Just free this place from your strife

Temple in the still of night
When the stars shed only light
A little candle burns, alone
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